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Syllabus Content Policy Syllabi are necessary for aiding both the students' understanding and achievement of the department goals. During the first week of classes an instructor will distribute (electronically or physically) or post onto blackboard (or other university accepted course shell) the course syllabus.
Go to Academic Affairs Policies for policy on Syllabus Content
Academic Technology Faculty Tutorials Academic Technology offers a variety tutorials on topics such as Best Practices for Teaching Online, Blackboard, Blackboard Ultra Videos, Clicker Polling, Lecture Capture, Respondus LockDown Browser & Monitor, Zoom and more!
Go to Academic Technology Faculty Tutorials
High-Impact Practices (HIPs) High-impact learning happens when students are actively engaged in the educational process, when their learning goes beyond the classroom to be applied in their personal and work lives. Students engaged in high-impact learning often see improvement in grade point averages, get their degrees more quickly, and are more engaged in their education. CSUDH is committed to providing high-impact learning experiences to all students at all levels, across the whole curriculum. In a high-impact learning experience, students actively pose and solve problems, work collaboratively in a community of peers, experience real-world applications of knowledge, and reflect on their learning processes.
Resources for planning your course high-impact learning experiences:
Copyright California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH), respects Copyright and expects members of the university community to uphold copyright law. Learn more about topics on What is Copyright? CSUDH Copyright, File Sharing, Fair Use, Plagiarism, HEOA & Copyright, Resources and more at CSUDH Copyright.
Information Technology Assistance IT Service Portal helps you Get Answers, Find Services, Request Support, and Manage Requests.
Visit the IT Service Portal.
Faculty Affairs and Development Faculty Forms and Documents provides Evaluation documents. Learn about a Guide for Peer Observation of Online Synchronous and Asynchronous Classes.
The CSU Institute for Teaching and Learning (ITL) is devoted to promoting the highest standards of university teaching and to fostering faculty professional growth and collaboration throughout the CSU's 23 campuses. The ITL broadly defines faculty professional growth to encompass the multiple roles of faculty relating to teaching; research, scholarship and creative activity; and service. Learn more about Innovative Instruction and Featured Initiatives at the CSU Institute for Teaching and Learning.
STEM-NET: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Network A CSU systemwide initiative that promotes research, community building, and innovative educational ideas. STEM-NET offers webcasts, research cafes, and information on funding opportunities, and many other resources on STEM research topics and education.
The Transparency in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education project (TILT Higher Ed) is an award-winning national educational development and research project that helps faculty to implement a transparent teaching framework that promotes college students' success.
Transparency in Learning and Teaching (TILT) Higher Ed Examples and Resources
Teaching Podcasts
Student disAbility Resource Center (SdRC) If you would like to view the recording of the SdRC presentation for faculty from November, 2020, please email us at
The CSUDH Campus Awareness, Response, & Education (CARE) Team is a multi-disciplinary group of campus officials that work in a proactive and collaborative approach to respond to non-emergency concerns. The CARE Team works to intervene early and develop appropriate courses of action for referred students. Our goal is to support students who may be in distress and/or whose behavior is of concern to others before they arise to a crisis.
The Center for Advocacy, Prevention & Empowerment (CAPE) provides confidential assistance, support, and education for those impacted by sexual abuse/assault, intimate relationship abuse, stalking, or sexual harassment. The goal of CAPE is to help individuals overcome the negative consequences of abuse in order to accomplish their academic, professional, and personal goals. Our services are available to CSUDH students, staff, and faculty.
The University Advisement Center (UAC) is home to professional academic advisors that are an essential academic resource for every DH student. Learn about advising services provided at the UAC.
National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD)
CSUDH is an institutional member of the NCFDD. The National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD) is an independent professional development, training, and mentoring community of faculty, postdocs, & graduate students from over 450 colleges and universities. CSUDH faculty members can make an account at the NCFDD website to utilize their resources.
Writing Your Journal Article in 12 Weeks
The FDC sponsors a writing group based on the book Writing Your Journal Article in 12 Weeks by Wendy Laura Belcher every semester. Belcher’s Writing Your Journal Article in 12 Weeks: A Guide to Academic Publishing Success is an approach that enables academic authors to overcome their anxieties and produce the publications that are essential to succeeding in their fields. Each week, readers learn a particular feature of strong articles and work on revising theirs accordingly. At the end of twelve weeks, they send their article to a journal. This invaluable resource focuses specifically on publishing humanities and social science journal articles.
The Office of Sponsored Research and Programs offers internal grants such as the Research, Scholarly and Creative Activities grant program and can be located under Internal Grants. Check the Research Office website for more information on external funding resources.
Professional Development Podcasts: